Webquest: Big In Japan

Introduction Task Process Evaluation

Production 2

You have designed your T.V. commercial. Well done! You think the celebrity is a good match for the product,the concept is great, you have a catchy slogan. Its a winner! Good work! But theres one last thing you have to do before it goes into production. The bosses at Dentsu want to hear about it before they give it the 'green light'(before they let you make it). So you will have to 'pitch' it to them (you have to convince them it's a great idea)

You will need to prepare a short presentation. Here are a few phrases to help you:


- The product I/we have chosen is _______________

- The product I/we have designed a T.V. commercial for is ______________

- I/We would like to make an T.V. commercial for____________


- I/We wish to cast __(celebrity)___ in this advert.

- I/We believe that __(celebrity)___ would be suitable/ideal because.....


- The concept is as follows:

- I/We thought a great concept for this advert would be to have __(celebrity)__ doing.....


- The script would go something like this: When I want....

- O.K, pretend I am __celebrity__: When I want...

Now pitch your T.V. commercial to the rest of the class. The one that is most popular will go into production.

Well Done!!
